Sunday, February 15, 2009


We all wake up in the morning knowing that something in the world is fucked.
Let's do whatever we can to make it better.

I promise when I'm older, I will make you proud.

Fuck this machinery.

What a weekend...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fat Cat

My cat is so fat.
I love her.

It felt good to ride bikes today,
Fuck this cold weather recently...
More shows this weekend,
so good, so excited, I love it.

3 show's in my basement that are coming up, it's going to be soooo sweet.
There is so much to look forward.

Change something in the world today,
just do something good.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Crazy Philadelphia times until 4am:
Salted pasta in cramped dorms with smelly socks and best friends and no blankets.

Long Island beatdown...what's up with that?
Thank you Soupy for stating what was right...
Man, fuck the crowd-killing at that show.
But other than that, it was awesome to be able to hang out with the guys in The WOnder Years and La Dispute again.

With a 5 hour drive back home Saturday night and a bad oil burn on the palm of my hand yesterday afternoon, the weekend ended pretty interesting.

Let's just get through this week and do it again this weekend.
Oh man, so much friends and music.

EAT SHIT 2009!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another one

It hits like a brick to the back of the head,
Like goodbye,
Five times, one for each finger.

So, yeah...

Great show last night,
This weekend will be tons and TONS of fun...
With my best friends, loud music, good people, good times.
I love playing shows so much...
It helps relieve EVERY problem or stress I have at a point in time.
There is absolutely no better feeling.

Summer is already starting to be something great to look forward to.
Two (maybe 3) lengthy tours, traveling to other countries with some great friends and a nice lady, and especially the warm weather...because I am absolutely SICK of this cold.

These bonds that we form through our friendships will continue to strengthen, and will be held close to my heart like family.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Today I am not afraid of Failure.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Time

Sometimes I wonder what Faith really means...

I figured this would be the best way to keep track of life events and such.
Every day that goes by, it seems that I have forgotten at least one thing that is important to me...
...So why not post here for the whole internet world to see.

I'm going to try and do a post here every day.

Here it goes:

Day 1 (February 1st, 2009):
I popped a large zit on back today...
...well, I didn't really pop it, my Mom did.
It was really gross, some solid white/yellow stuff oozed out, and ohhhhh man did it hurt.
Tasty back zits, Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmmm.

And it's somewhere around 55 degrees outside, it makes me miss South Florida's 75 degree winter climate.
I rode my bike since all of the ice finally melted, and oh man did it feel good. It has been since I left California 3 weeks ago that my bike has been ridden and my oh my, it was loooong overdue.

My laptop screen is still in non-working order and it's very frustrating.

I miss some sucks...